Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tester wins in Montana

5 Senate seats down, 1 more to go!

Savor the flavor, George Allen. It's all over.


larzdm said...

amazing. oh well... you know the 08 republican campaign will be 'the country couldn't get anything done because congress blocked the president's every move'

interestingly enough, i think that might end up being the democratic platform as well

DP said...

There's a small part of me that's very wary of having both chambers, because the pressure is on, now.

If they come out and pass a bunch of decent legislation that then gets vetoed, that would be the best thing for them.

If they come out and go all Whitewater/Lewinsky vindictive on the president, then they're sunk.

If they can't come up with *something* to start getting troops out of Iraq, they're completely sunk.

lionel_kokotan said...

I didn't want the dems to win the senate.

This just leaves them wide open for all kinds of attacks going into the next presidential election, especially when most of the potential candidates are senators.

This means they will actually have to produce. If it was grid lock in Congress the dems job would be a lot easier.

I don't have faith in any of my government so this means the dems blow it and the repubs keep the presidency in my view.

Also, I used to think McCain was an alright dude but after seeing him campaign for sleazy Dewine he can go fuck himself.

lionel_kokotan said...

This also means that I should use the phrase "this means" about seventy more times.

I really am an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Overall, I am rather disappointed in the state of politics in this country. I'm tired of the "us vs. them". Putting crappily written issues on the ballot the stretching the smallest ounce of truth about it to get the uneducated voter to vote for or against the said issue.

And Republican or Democrat, does it even really matter? All it is to these people, both R and D, is a power play. I question whether they really care about the country, or care about being in power. Does anyone thing that the Democrats are going to Washington to figure out a way to work with the White House to move the country forward? Or is it, how can we position our party to take back the White House in '08 and screw the country for the next 2 years? I believe they will be going for option 2.

The republicans have been aweful about shoving their agenda down America's throat when they had control, even though over half the country didn't agree with it. Unfortunately, that is all I am hearing from people like Pelosi. I heard her say something to the affect that they have a mandate from the people for the agenda they ran on..

Huh? What agenda? Bush and the republicans are bad, and we have to get out of Iraq... Ok, not disagreeing, but no explaination of how or when, etc. Or is that just small details that will be worked out now that they have the power?

Well, I feel it wasn't a mandate for the dems, as opposed to a mandate to the republicans to get out. God Bless the 2 party system!

Do these people know the country is pretty much split 50-50? Therefore there will have to be comprimise... or we get gridlock and more hatred.

As long as this country is stuck in an "us vs. them" mentality, nothing productive will get done and no one will be truly happy.

I think it was George Washington, but one of those founding father's said something to the affect that political parties could rip apart and destroy this county... It may be 230 years later, but it wasn't a bad observation.

I pity anyone that just goes and votes straight R or D on the ballot.

DP said...

I agree with your sentiment of abhorring those who would punch a striaght party line on their ballot, and I can honestly say I've never gone straight down a ballot and punched all D's or all R's. I still read up on all of the candidates, especially for the state and local races. We have some decent local people here that I voted for that are not Democrats.

Nationally, however, while I don't necessarily think that the Dems are the end-all answer, I DO think they are a good means to an end at the present moment: and that end is to stop Bush and the small sect of the country (both religious and corporate) that has taken over, and for their to be some accountability. It's bad enough that we continue to lose Americans pointlessly in Iraq; it's an insult to all of those soldiers that there has been billions and billions of dollars of fraud, waste, and war profiteering.

The worst thing that could happen to politics in this country is for one party to control everything; I think that's true for both parties.

Until an actually viable third party emerges though (and with as much money as is involved in politics today, I don't see how it could under the current conditions), we're stuck.

I guess the root of my blog posts is that I am just excited that enough people in this country actually want change.