Wednesday, November 08, 2006

How Sweep it Is!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think the Dems would take both the House AND the Senate. I knew they had a good shot at the House--only needing 15 seats--but I didn't know they'd take it back with such force! After all, they're the Democrats; they're notorious for fucking up even the surest of things.

But, to (most likely) get the Senate on top of that is purely icing on the political cake. Granted, lumping Joe "I'm a Sore Primary Loser" Lieberman in with the Dems is a bit of an assumption. He has said he will caucus with the Dems, but he generally always votes with the Republicans now. And to think, he was technically the vice president once.

Right now, it's 49-47 Republican, with two Independents (though, Sanders [VT] will vote with the Dems, and Lieberman was technically a Democrat before he lost the primary), so it's basically a dead-heat with Montana and Virginia still too close to call. But, Webb is ahead by 6,000 votes in Virigina, and Tester is ahead by around 2,000 in Montana.

So, in come the recounts. Let's just hope that all of the people who cried "Sore losers! Sour grapes! Cry-babies!" in 2000 and 2004 remember that now that the shoe's on the other foot and they try to spin recounts in the other direction (Hannity and Limbaugh, I'm looking in your collective direction).

Don't get me wrong. I don't think all of the Democrats are great. For example, in my Congressional district, I didn't necessarily *like* Mary Jo Kilroy, but ANYTHING would be better than Deb Pryce. Sadly, Pryce held on for her closest re-election in years. But, the most important point is that, assuming the Dems get both chambers back, George W. can't continue fucking up the country unchecked by his (formerly) rubber-stamp Congress.

And that, alone, is cause for celebration. That, and this:

"We took a whipping last night, and we understand that," Tom DeLay told CNN's "American Morning." "The Democrats didn't win, the Republicans lost."

Semantics, Tommy. Enjoy life in prison.

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