Thursday, November 30, 2006

For those interested in that sort of thing...

Most of my friends that follow the band that I'm in invariably ask me one of two things:

1) When are you playing next?

2) When will your CD be done?

The true answer to both of those questions is "I don't know" at this point.

But, for #2, to tide you over, we've uploaded seven clips from the rough mixes of our album at our website. Zip over, click on "Downloads" and check 'em out.


larzdm said...

you would stop playing now that i can finally afford to drink at your damn shows.

DP said...

Soon enough, we'll be back out there. Justin changed jobs this fall, and until the new year only has Monday and Tuesday nights off, which doesn't lend itself to a lot of shows. He's been spending a lot of time working on the CD on Mondays, and we've been practicing on Tuesdays.

Schedules change in January, and I'm hoping we can pull a Friday night CD-release type show at S&G or something. That would be stellar.