1) Yesterday was probably the 3rd best experience I've ever had at a Browns game in person:

Down 28-14 in the fourth quarter with their backup QB in and seemingly no answer for Trent Green and Tony Gonzalez (since they elected basically NOT to cover him most of the game), the Browns won. In overtime. And my boy Jon and I watched it from the lower Dog Pound. Simply awesome.
Oh, and for reference:
#1 would be the win over Atlanta in 2002 to get the Browns into the playoffs, and
#2 would be the win over (reigning Super Bowl champ) Baltimore in 2001 to the tune of a thumping.
2) Michigan got JOBBED.
You may remember that I was not in favor of a rematch, because I thought there were too many arguments against it. That was when I was pretty sure USC was going to run the table and that Arkansas would be a one-loss team beating Florida in the SEC championship.
I would have been OK with USC going to the title game, seeing as how they'd played two top 10 teams back to back and had beat them both pretty handily.
But FUCK FLORIDA. Seriously. More specifically, FUCK URBAN MEYER. Lloyd took the relative high road; this ass clown Meyer has been lobbying and running his mouth for the last month while his team has been *barely* beating the likes of a crappy Florida State team and a South Carolina team who basically beat themselves on Florida's home field. He whined about how tough their schedule was, how Michigan had their shot, and blah blah blah.
Granted, I'm sure the very fair-minded Mr. Meyer would feel exactly the same if it was HIS team that also had only one loss, and that loss had been to the now-favored-by-7.5-to-win-a-championship #1 team on its home field only by 3 points (for reference, Vegas would consider a "pick em" game to be a three-point home favorite, whereas giving one team 7.5 on a neutral field means they think the game is going to be a beat-down). I'm sure if the roles were reversed, Urban would have NOOOO problem conceding. I'm sure.
In conclusion, FUCK FLORIDA. FUCK URBAN MEYER. AND FUCK THE BCS. I never thought I'd say this, but I hope OSU beats the ever loving fuck out of Florida in the title game. And I say this as a Michigan fan living in Columbus tired of hearing about OSU football for abour 340 days out of the year.
In regard to Tressel's decision not to vote, I think it was a no-win situation for him. If he votes for either team at #2, there are possible problems for each:
If he votes Florida #2....
He gets slammed for not wanting to play his arch-rival again after narrowly beating them once at home, and it gets brought up and beaten to death every year until both he and Lloyd Carr leave their respective institutions.
If he votes Michigan #2....
Florida still ends up #2 in the BCS and has extra motivation/fodder to beat the Buckeyes. Plus, he gets slammed in the national media for the entire month leading up to the game as being biased and a homer for the Big Ten, making him no better than Meyer.
In the end, it was a no-win situation for him, and I think he chose the path of least resistance and bashing. I wouldn't envy that decision, and I don't think any coaches who blasted him would want to have to make the same decision. All of that said, I think it sets a bad precedent for any coach not wanting to vote. The Coaches' Poll should come out with a clearly stated rule indicating when it's OK to abstain from voting (and the only cases I can think of are ones such as this where your vote directly affects who you will be playing in a bowl game--in this case, a bowl game of the greatest significance).
Simon Fraser = God
Dan, I literally wrote the exact same thing on my blog earlier this week. I want Florida to have their asses handed to them. This is the one-off that OSU gets in my lifetime.
And let's hope Michigan kicks some USC arse - a rematch from our own beating in 2004.
And props to Lloyd Carr - just when I was practically over him, he renews my spirit. Oh, and Jim Tressel not voting? I mean, fuck him too, but Florida must die.
Jim Tressel not voting probably helped Michigan more than it hurt them... why do people not get that? He has been quoted many times as saying that you shouldn't play for the national title if you don't win your conference, and that's going back to last season when the buckeyes could have benefited from a playoff system. Furthermore, if a judge has a vested interest in a case, would you not want him to recuse himself from the decision?
if lloyd carr wanted to go on national talk shows and cry about tressel not voting/the system being wrong, he should've been doing it for the past two weeks when it could've (see: Urban Meyer) accomplished something. it's too late LLLLLoyd. next time you have your fate in your own hands, take care of your own business.
despite being a buckeye fan i've said over and over that I think that Michigan is most definitely the #2 team in the country, and since they won't be losing to Ohio State again, they'll have the chance to finish that way in the polls. and hey, if Florida pulls off a narrow upset and you guys thrash USC, who knows what will happen.
one last thing... would someone shut Mike Hart up?
"Matt (cleveland, OHIO): Mike, Do you think in a rematch between osu at a neutral site the wolverines would come out on top?
Mike Hart: Definitely. No question. "
your 0-3 career record leads me to believe a different outcome would have been far more likely.
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