I got the TV on Friday, and it was actually TOO BIG. Not too big in the sense that it didn't fit in the basement, but too big in the sense that our basement room simply isn't big enough to be able to get far enough away from the 57-inch behemoth to actually watch it without it being very grainy, which in an of itself defeats the purpose of an HD-TV.
For as much money as it was, I was not happy with the results. Great TV... just not the best TV for the house we currently live in (and that we will be living in for the foreseeable future).
But fear not. I have to give the people at Circuit City a lot of credit. They treated me very well. I went in that very same day, expressed my concerns, and was able to exchage the TV for a different, smaller one. They even recommended a media stand built by Sony for that specific TV, which killed two birds with one stone.
I give you:

Not quite as big, but still bigger than before.
It's a Sony 46-inch rear projection HDTV. It doesn't have the built in tuner that the Hitachi did, but we saved enough on it to buy the media stand (which was not cheap) and still have about $100 more left than we did after buying the first TV.
The only drawback is that it doesn't have the built-in HD tuner that the Hitachi did. However, in doing some research, if I can switch to Insight, we could get digital cable with a DVR and HD receiver + internet + basic phone service for only $20 more than we're paying for regular cable + internet with WOW! and phone with SBC. Hopefully Insight serves my area of the city. They have by far the best package, and they have all four major networks in HD, whereas the other two cable companies only have two.
So, this Friday, the new TV arrives, and the old-new one goes away.
that sucks... but is still cool... speaking of the good folks at circuit city, i was able to take back a wireless network adapter easily and plan to exchange a dlink wireless router to a different brand (hopefully linksys, but still need to do research) that will allow me to actually use bittorrent.
It's also not a coincidence that the Circuit City picture of my new TV has a clip from Madden on it.
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