Friday, March 21, 2008

Things Overheard/Shouted In My Living Room Last Night:

  • Reverand Wright? Let it go! McCain got an endoresment from ROD FUCKING PARSLEY!!
  • Really, Hillary? NOW Michigan and Florida's voices should be heard? Change your mind much?

  • More cold/snow? Sure glad we decided against Tribe opening day tickets!

  • More cold/snow? Sure can't wait to go to North Carolina next weekend. Hopefully my golf swing gets thawed out in time!


  • Why the hell can't I hit the ball straight in Tiger Woods 2007? It says my driver should go 274 yards, but it never does!!

  • UCLA looks really, really good. Or, MSVU is really, really, not good.

  • Mmm, I love me some Guinness.


Anonymous said...

+1 on tiger woods

just get a ps3/the show

Mal-Dawg said...

Just walked outside, temperature at opening pitch was 63 and it was sunny!

It would have been nice to be down at the ball park today, but alas, I am again at my computer working.