Most Important
"Damn, you good lookin'."
"Good God,
I hope you're ready. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life."

"Good God,
I hope you're healthy, if only so that #9 up there doesn't get killed. Phil,
pay the man."

"Okay, Whiney McContract. It's put-up or shut-up time. Braylon's gone. You want a new deal? In the words of John Houseman, make money the old fashioned way: EARN IT."

"What's that? Hoffman resigned with the Padres? Oh, no, Bob... we were never, uhh... serious... about that.
We wanted you all along. Please, oh please... pitch in 2006 like you pitched in 2005."

"Before I even
THINK of getting on board for
this idea of you as my right fielder next year, the 1999 version of yourself had better show up yesterday."
I may be stupider than you in the classical, don't-have-as-many-degrees sense, but I'll never be as much of a sell-out whore as you..... oh wait, and there's no fucking way I'm stupider than you are. Bitch."

"If, by
'amazing progress' you mean in terms of the death toll reaching new heights, then yes. 'There's an important debate going on in our nation's capital about Iraq.' There is. Too bad you're too fucking stupid and stubborn to let yourself be a part of it."

Shut the fuck up. Like, now. I have a sneaking suspicion
you're going down next year."
Also, if you aren't listening to
The Stephanie Miller Show, you probably should be.
That's all I got.
i prefer the Al Franken show.
and it'll be a two bucket day at the dub pub if Droughns is hurt.
word verification? where can i find such a thing?
I believe you can change it in the settings. No more cameras and ads for timber in your blog!
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