Sadly, I'm not here to report of my band's impending gig with Bon Jovi. That honor went to Introspect, a local Nickelback knock-off. I guess I can't complain, as that's probably the kind of music the average Bon Jovi fan wants to hear. At least it didn't go to
these fuckwads, as was originally rumored.
Even still, we played an unplugged set at the ShiSha Lounge just north of campus last week, and it went very well all things considered. We will be playing there on Thursday, December 1st, and will follow that up with shows at
Bernie's on Friday, December 2nd and at
The Basement on Thursday, December 15th.
In the meantime, we are planning to spend the entire day this coming Sunday in a recording studio. The finished product should be an EP that includes at least 5 tracks, and hopefully more, depending on how smoothing we can record. Since we're doing all of the mixing ourselves, that cuts out the most tedious and time-consuming part of the studio experience, and also allows us to spend all of our time recording this weekend. Look for an EP to be finished by December sometime, at which time we will begin peddling it mercilessly.
In other news, I can't believe the Browns won on Sunday. This is the second home game this season for which I've given up my season ticket (the other being the Bears game), and they're 2-0 when I decide not to go. Coincidence? Much like I was killing the Tribe by writing about them, perhaps I'm killing the Browns by watching them in person. I'm also killing the Cavs by even paying attention to them. I didn't watch or listen to the opener; they won handily. I turned on the Cavs/Spurs game; the Cavs were competitive at the time and were actually leading. They then tanked in the second half. I listened in the car on Saturday night, and when I turned it on they were ahead by 10. They lost.
I'm like a giant, 6'3" black cat that walks under a ladder while breaking a mirror for these teams. ESPN's early poll has the Indians picked to win the World Series next season. Maybe I shouldn't watch.
New episode of "Lost" this week. Apparently, someone is going to die. But who? Though the promos would have you believe Sawyer, I just can't see them killing him off. Not Shannon, since Boone just died and she has to further her freaky "Walt keeps appearing to me and freaking my shit out" storyline. Not any of the hatch-dwellers.
Needless to say, thankfully there's no band practice or band shows this week. Melissa and I should be able to watch it. I'm ready. It's about time.